The Brasserie Saint-Germain was born in 2003 in the Pas-De-Calais heart, in a small village named Aix Noulette not far from Arras. The idea was to reborn the village recreating a new brewery after the disappeareance of the old local brewery in 1986, Brasme. These are two brothers, Stéphane and Vincent Bogaert with a friend, Hervé Descamps who have taken up the torch.
Together, they find it a name, Saint-Germain in reference to the Aix Noulette patron saint. From here, the three friends made their first recipe made from malt and hops from the region. The first blonde beer Page 24 was created. One year later, the blonde hildegard reserve was born, the beer which will make the brewery famous in the region.
For the three partners, there was no question of stopping in such a good way. Creation and innovation were and still are the primary principal giving the identity to the brewery. Putting in the light local products, offering top quality while being able to appeal to a large audience and make people happy are our goals from every day. The Brewery is 18 years old, we are determined to make this legacy prosper for the region sake and energize the territory.